Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, Amsterdam
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum from Amsterdam is amazing. The museum is housed in a very large building in the center of Amsterdam and it is spread over four floors. The lifelike figures are so perfectly done that you almost forget that all those famous people could just stand there and melt away if somebody switched on a lighter. From royals, sport stars, popular musicians, world leaders (as from January 2009 the Bush figure was replaced by an Obama figure), contemporary Hollywood celebrities, historical figures such as Gandhi and Einstein to famous Dutch people, everybody is there to greet you. It´s not like Madame Tussauds Wax Museum from Amsterdam is better than the one in London or NY, but hey! where else in the world can you have your picture taken next to Rembrandt? And to be fair, the wax figures in my photos are hard to distinguish from the real people. Hm, could it be really Rembrandt standing there next to me? There is always a cue to enter the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum so be advised and get your patient mood with you. The entry fee is not cheap either, but it is worth the trouble. And by any chance, don´t, but don´t forget your camera in the hotel!

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